The Telematch

October 30, 2009

                                 The Telemach                       By Mufeez Amjad


          “Ring, Ring, Ring,” the school bell rang. It was Halloween of 3000 at Zat H.S. A new teenager came from Etobicoke. “It is going to be a boy. No a girl. Boy, girl, boy” the class whispered. “Well, according to my calculations, boys are more likely to graduate grade 8, from seeing last year’s result by 0.3069,” Ardis said fixing his huge and rectangular glasses. Everybody calls him a nerd. He knows every fact you can think of. “All 9th graders, lets give our new student a good welcome to Zat H.S… Hi, everybody today is Monday and I have some important things to tell you about today. First, it is Halloween and last the Teleportation machine is finally finished being built by Fuzine. I hope you have a good day today,” the principle said on the P.A. system.


            “As I was saying lets give our new student a good and comfortable welcome to this school. C’mon in.” the teacher said “Wow, too bright, can’t bear the light!” the class said as he was entering. The glare of his purple shoes was blinding. Then suddenly, he popped into the class as a clown. The class thought, “He’s so stupid I can’t believe he’s a 9th grader.”  The new teenager said quietly “Oh sorry, I never knew teenagers do not celebrate Halloween.” Some of the girls were whispering to each other “It’s a boy.” All the girls were staring at the new teenager. Well before I take my seat, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Xtron. I came to this school in Mississauga to have a better education. And that’s pretty much it,” said Xtron aloud in front of the whole class.


           “Can I please ask you, Xtron to take a seat? I have important things to tell you about what is happening today.” said the teacher to Xtron. As Xtron was walking to his seat, his clothes were from the brand “Nike” and they were shining black and gold as the trim. He also had a purple Mohawk. Most of the boys were jealous of him and his looks and were thinking in their heads that he is rich. “Thank you mister for having a seat and like I told you yesterday we are going on a trip today in the afternoon to a castle to learn more about how castles are made. This class will continue through the day today due to the trip,” said the teacher to the whole class. Anhh! Why does it have to be a Monday,” the class whining.


          “Bump,Bump,Bump,” the bus went. “Man can’t this bus get a grip,” Ardis said to Xtron who was sitting beside him in the front seat. They were both relaxed and they were thinking in their heads of everything that happened this morning. Ardis do you remember the morning announcement. The principle was talking about Fuzine in the other grade 9 class who has finished here teleportation machine today. Do you want to check it out after school today?” said Xtron quietly to Ardis. “Yeah sure why not,” said Ardis. The class soon saw a drawbridge and some knights waiting outside. “We’re here!” the class yelled excitingly.


          “Hi ninth graders, when we enter this castle, we enter it with respect by entering with your right foot always” said one of the knights. When they entered the respectful way they saw the inside of the huge castle. “Now let me show around this place. First, you all should know by now this castle is called the Castle of Dizaar. The main reason you are here is to see how a castle works. You are going to go to a room filled with artifacts of this castle. Now get going” “Wow, this place is cool. Hey, Ardis check this out. This shield called Dizaar shield that can block any spell of Fuzine’s master (Eshidhaf). Does this mean that Fuzine is bad?” said Xtron to Ardis in a sad voice. “I guess so but that is why we have to check it out after school” said Xtron


          “Now I hope you learned a lot from this trip. Bye, I hope we see you again some other time” said the knights. “Now when we get to our school it is going to be dismissal time and we had a long day today so try to relax in the bus rather than talk” said the teacher. “I hate this bus it is so noisy and bumpy I cannot wait to get home. But remember we are going to go check if Fuzine is actually bad or is it a lie” said Ardis to Xtron secretly.


          “We have to hurry to the science lab before she leaves” said the Xtron while they were running to through the school halls. “Yes, we made it in time” said Ardis as he was falling behind Xtron. “Welcome my friends please take a seat before I begin” said Fuzine with a strange evil voice. She had red, dark eye and on her shirt, it said “Eshidhaf Rules” in purple. “Now first let me introduce myself. I am Fuzine and I am here with a project that has never been solved until now, by me” said Fuzine smiling at the audience.


          “Now this machine can only allow three people to enter it” said Fuzine in a slow and gentle voice. Nobody but Xtron and Ardis raised up their hand to volunteer. “Well than can I please ask you two to enter the teleportation machine” Fuzine said as she was taking the white sheet off the teleportation machine. “I forgot to tell you I call my invention “Telemach” for short” As Xtron and Ardis entered, it was all white around them. Xtron said “Why is it all white in the “Telemach”, it is like if it’s a trap….” “You are now entering the 3100’s” a robotic sound said.


           Soon enough the land appeared and they were standing on it too. This future world has spaceships from space and aliens too. “Wow, I can’t believe that our future world is going to be the founder of alien and spaceships and much more” said Ardis excitingly and happily to Xtron. “Yeah but this is somewhat scary too from all the destruction. Maybe it is Eshidhaf or even Fuzine herself,” said Xtron in a scared voice. “First thing first, we got to find out if Fuzine is bad” “But how are we going to find that out?” said Ardis in a wondering voice. “The Helt Station” Xtron said while he was looking at a tall building.


          All of a sudden, they heard something in their ears. Something really faded. “You now only have 24 hours until you die” said the same robotic voice that they heard at the beginning. While they were running to the building, they saw robots walking. It was like Heaven for the humans making the robots do all the work and them at their houses relaxing. As they walked in, they saw no elevators but robots flying. Then a robot came up to them and said “How may I be at you service” said the polite robot.


          They felt sorry for him but they did not have time to lose and said “By taking us to the top floor” confidently. “Ok if that is what you wish for. But hold on tight,” said the robot. Jetpacks all of a sudden grew from the robots back and lit on fire. Xtron and Ardis thought that he was going to kill them and so they closed their eyes. After about seconds, they opened their eyes and found them in the air flying with the robot. “Wow, this is cool flying,” Xtron said bravely. They saw a huge T.V. with a huge stereo set.


          A second later the T.V. was turned on and the headline were “There is a teenager who is being controlled by Eshidhaf and is causing great trouble at Zat P.S. Apparently she turned everybody’s costumes for Halloween dissolve into their skin. Therefore, they are not costumes that the kids are wearing but they are the costume” said the anchor aloud. Xtron then said to Ardis “Well then let’s go to our school and show her what we’re made of”


           “How are we going to get to the school in time to defeat her” said Ardis to Xtron in a strange voice. “Don’t worry” Xtron said smiling and looking to a person who is selling free jetpacks. “Can we please have two jetpacks” said Ardis to the seller. “Why not, here you go” said the seller. Ardis read a tag on them saying, “Do not use before reading the manual” Oh well who cares. We don’t have time to waste        . But I have one question, how do we fly this thing” said Xtron. It’s easy, all you have to do is get it on your back and press and hold a button and drive it like a car.


          “Wow, this thing is fast and loud. Follow me!” said Ardis aloud. All of a sudden, he heard the same robotic sound “You have only fifteen more hours until you die.” “Oh, my god just shut up. Back to the rescuing plan, let’s go to the top and see where our school future is located” said Xtron in a frustrated voice. After about 30 minutes of them searching, they finally found the school.  Yes, we found our school now let’s find Fuzine and defeat her.” said Xtron as going towards Fuzine.


          “Hey, there she is in the air making everybody destroy the school” said Xtron to Ardis. “Have you ever wondered what you are doing” said Ardis to Fuzine. “No and you also die with the rest of the group!” She had become rude and not caring too. “Oh yeah you have really changed from the last time I saw you” Fuzine was charging up to use one of her spell called the Zincos spell. It is a spell that makes the person who it hits faint. So far it was all according to her plan. Soon she released her spell, it was blue and red combined. Xtron did not see it and her spell hit him and he fainted. They both went to the Hospital of Reckwereb for some medication. It was way faster than before. They were all ready for another battle in about an hour. They again heard the robotic sound saying, “You only have five more hours until you die.”

          They both thought about if anything that they learned today could help them defeat Fuzine. The only thing that came to their mind was the shield of Dizaar. They also remembered what it can do reflect her spells. They put on their jetpacks and went into the sky to find the castle and couldn’t find it at the beginning. Then they used some strategy to find a castle like tall buildings and flags on the top of it. After a good hustle they found the castle and went towards it.


          “Poof” the jet packs went. Ardis, I think the jetpacks ran out of fuel. As they noticed, the momentum acted and they went crashing into the castle. “Ahhh!” Xtron and Ardis went. “Owe that really hurts,” said Ardis. They were both really hurt but they didn’t want to stop now after all the work and hardship they went through. So they went to the castle with bruises all over them both.


          “Can I please go to the artifact room of this castle?” said Ardis with a gentle and polite voice to one of the knights. The knight reply was “Sure, just follow me” said the knight with a happy voice. As they entered they saw the shield and asked the knight if they could borrow it. Can I please borrow this shield? I will bring the shield back the way it is right now” said Xtron shaking his hand. “Ok but let me tell you the secret of this amazing shield. It is that it can carry two people on it if you say shield transform” said the knight.


          When they were outside they used the word that the knight told them, shield transform and it worked. It first split into two pieces and then turned into two pairs of running shoes. Xtron and Ardis both put them on.  “Wow is that it. It’s going to transform into two pairs of running shoes” said Xtron laughing. “Or maybe you have to say something to make them do their job, like “Running shoes run” and soon enough the shoes started to grow some booster jets and wings. “Oh yeah now that’s my style. Now we are really ready to kick butt” said Xtron and shaking his head


          It was now night time. “Wow this is fun, flying over the whole city. There, I see Fuzine in the distance. Let’s now show her what we can do. “Hey Fuzine, were back to defeat you once and for all” said them both to Fuzine in a brave voice. The shield also returned to its original form. Welcome my friends to my favorite time of Halloween, the night time. She then made a circle around the three of us, Fuzine, Xtron and Ardis. In seconds, we were all in the sky on a platform. “Now let me have some fun with you two. Muahahahah!” said Fuzine in a scary voice.


          Fuzine kept on using all her spells and Xtron and Ardis thought she was wasting their time. “Now time to end the battle right here, right now” said Xtron quickly. Fuzine then saw their plan and stopped them from closing in on her. This happened to Xtron and Ardis a couple of times until the end. “Is that all you got” Ardis said aloud to Fuzine. Xtron and Ardis tried to embarrass Fuzine.


          “Oh now that’s it for you two because you are really getting on my nerves” Fuzine said to Xtron and Ardis. “Let’s see if you like this!” She charged up the fainting spell. In second she had a huge ball in her hands. As she threw it, Xtron flashed back his memory to wear he learned how to use the shield. “Hey look at this it can reflect Fuzine’s spells” Before the ball hit the ground Xtron and Ardis were together holding the shield above their heads. “Phew!” they said. “I think we hit her by reflecting her shot”


          “That’s it for her” said Ardis. All of a sudden the platform dropped because she was unconscious. “Boom!” the platform crashed. “Wooo yeah our savior!” the crowd cheered for them. In their ears there was the robotic sound was again saying you have “One hour until you die, no more warning” All of a sudden a huge helicopter came by carrying a huge TV. When the TV turned on they saw the headline “Two boys save the day by defeating a teen that caused destruction to our community” the anchor said smiling “Thank you and if you can excuse me we have some work to do” said Ardis and Xtron as they ran past the crowd. “Oh yeah call the police to clean the mess up”


          “We got to return this shield fast” Ardis said as they were running side by side with the magical running shoes. As they came to the castle they ran as fast as they can through the doors and the artifact room. “Yes now we’re done here” said Xtron placing the shield back gently.


          “Let’s go find the Telemach” said Ardis. “Hey over there, a better machine than Fuzine” said Ardis looking at the brand new machine.

“Bye guys, I hope you have a fun time with my future clone

  said Xtron and Ardis at the same time.

“Bye” the crowd yelled back.




The End!!!

Asiatic Cheetah

October 30, 2009

By: Mufeez Amjad

There are only two species of cheetahs. There is an African cheetah and an Asian cheetah. Cheetahs were once common in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Now they are found mostly in parts of Africa, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and India.

Cheetahs are cats that have hair and feed their babies milk from their bodies, which means that they are also mammals. Cheetahs are skinnier than other cats such as a loin and tigers. Cheetahs don’t roar but they purr like a house cat and yelp like a dog! Cheetahs weigh about 85 to 140 pounds and stand about 1 meter at the shoulder. They have long, thin bodies and four long legs. They have arched backs and long tails. Their tails help them keep their balance as they turn quickly while chasing other animals. The Asiatic cheetah is related to the Acinonyx jubatus.

Cheetahs are the fastest land animal. They can run up to 97km per hour as fast as a car on a highway! A cheetah can chase an animal for only a few minutes before getting tired. If the prey animal dodges and runs long enough, the cheetah gives up the chase.

Cheetahs’ claws are different from the claws from other cats. Other cats pull their claws back into their paws. This keeps the claws razor sharp for them to climb trees or defend themselves. However, cheetahs can’t fully pull in their claws. Instead of being sharp and pointed, the cheetah’s claws are dull. Cheetahs can’t climb trees or defend themselves like cats do. What they are used for is to run! They stick into the ground like spikes on football player’s shoes. Having a good grip can prevent the cheetah from slipping when it runs.

Cheetahs are carnivores so they eat only meat. They find weak or sick animals easiest to catch. Most wild cats hunt at night, but cheetahs hunt during the day. They usually hunt alone, but sometimes they hunt together and share a meal. Cheetahs have excellent senses of eyesight, smell and hearing, which help them find and hunt their prey. When it is hungry, it looks for a likely prey animal. Then it crouches low in the grass and waits. The spots on its fur help it camouflage so other animals don’t see it. The cheetah remains low in the grass. Slowly, it sneaks to its unsuspecting prey. When it’s close enough, the cheetah jumps out and runs after the prey. Some prey animals are fast enough to get away while others are not match for the cheetahs speed.

On the plains of Africa, cheetahs find many different animals to eat. They suggest medium-sized animals such as an antelope, impalas and gazelles. They also eat smaller hares and ground birds. Sometimes cheetahs hunt bigger animals such as zebras. Usually a cheetah eats its meal right where the animal falls but sometimes they drag the animal to a safer place to eat it. But if the cheetah eats in the open, other animal such as lions, leopards and hyenas can see its fresh meal. The cheetah has to eat its meal before the other animals arrive. Other animals attack the cheetah to steal its food. If an animal does steal its food it must leave hungry. Then it rests for a while and hunts again.

A female cheetah usually gives birth to 3 to 5 cubs at a time. This group is called a litter. Cheetah cubs are given birth anytime during the year. The mother gives birth in a safe place away from predators. The young cheetahs have silver tufts of hair called a mane over their heads and backs. From a distance, the cubs look like ratels (tough skinned, smelly animals that aren’t good to eat. Very young cheetah cubs sleep a lot and drink only their mother’s milk. As they grow bigger, they start walking and following their mother. They spend most of their time biting, pushing and chasing each other. This play – fighting makes them strong and able to defend themselves. The mother teaches the cubs how to hunt. First, she brings a dead animal. The cubs watch her eat and copy her. Later, the mother cheetah knocks down an animal but doesn’t kill it. She calls the cubs so they can learn how to kill it. Finally, the cubs must catch their own meal.

Lions, hyenas and leopards sometimes kill cheetahs if given the chance. Eagles and other predators have also been known to carry off cheetah cubs that aren’t with their mothers. “There might be as many as 60 and as few as 30 left,” says Dr. George Schaller, a naturalist at the Wildlife Conservation Society, which is based at the Bronx Zoo in New York. But for the most part, cheetahs have not many enemies in the wild. Instead, their biggest enemies are people. People are using more and more of the cheetahs’ living space, or habitat, for farming and building. As a result, the numbers of cheetahs are dropping. People also kill the animals that cheetahs hunt for food. In some countries, laws have been set up to protect cheetahs. Many zoos have also started raising cheetahs in hopes of returning them to the wild. If we protect these fascinating animals, there will always be cheetahs racing across the African plains.

The name “cheetah” comes from a meaning word “spotted one” in Indian’s Hindi language.

Cheetahs often make chirping sounds, much like a bird.

The black stripes running from cheetahs eyes down the sides of its face are important. They keep the sun out from the cheetah’s eyes when it hunts on sunny days. Since these stripes are in the same place a tear drop would fall, they are called “tear stripes.”

A cheetah’s nostrils, lungs and heart have to be extra large to help them run at high speeds.

An average cheetah chase is about 5km long, at about 72kph.

Cheetahs’ paws also have thick pads on the bottom that help grip the ground during high-speed chases.

Cheetahs usually creep up on their prey until they are about 46 meters away.

Cheetahs kill larger prey by clamping their mouth around the animal’s windpipe. Without air the prey dies in about 5 minutes. Smaller prey animals, such as rabbits, are killed with a quick bite to the head or neck.

Cheetah cubs are born blind and without teeth.

After eating their fill, cheetahs don’t return to their kill. Cheetahs only eat fresh meat, and will leave the skin, bones and organs of their kill for other animals to finish up.

Mankato, Minn, Markert, Jenny, Cheetahs
Child’s World, America, 2007

Hello Classmates!

October 30, 2009

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